by Sara 

Anti-tunnel initiative supporters deliver petition to city hall


Supporters of the Stop the Tunnel Initiative, led by Magnolia community activist Elizabeth Campbell, gathered at city hall last week to turn in their petition to block the construction of the Alaskan Way Viaduct deep-bore tunnel.

The petition, with the 20,269 signatures needed to qualify, would put to public vote the I-101 Stop the Tunnel Initiative in the next election.

The final tally of signatures when the petition was turned in was 27,599. Ten people from the ?Seattle citizens Against the Tunnel,? or SCAT, and their supporters were present at city hall to turn in the petition.

As for the next steps for SCAT and I-101, now that the petition has been turned into the city the signatures will be turned into the King County Elections office for verification. After verification, it goes before the City Council.

The City Council ?has 45 days to either adopt it, pass it on to election, or create some legislative form to answer the initiative that would be voted on also, along with I-101,? said Campbell of SCAT about the petition?s next steps.

Campbell, and the rest of SCAT and its supporters will wait to see the results of the signature verification, to find out if the initiative will qualify for the ballot.

(This article is written by Sarah Storm, Magnolia Voice intern from the University of Washington)

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  1. Congratulations!!

    Power to the people for making their voices heard. There are many, many of us who don’t want a tunnel.

    Some of Magnolia’s brain trust has noted that scat can mean something organic. In fact, there is also scat singing (jazz), it can be used as an imperative, as in scat- go away! It’s also the acronym for several other organizations across our country and beyond.

    The hard-working people who make up the group SCAT (Seattle Citizens Against the Tunnel) deserve some respect for and acknowledgement of their commitment to making a difference- whether or not you agree with the initiative. It’s not easy to organize and collect the required number of signatures.

    How did they do that? Because there were OVER 27,000 signatures turned in. That’s over 27,000 people. People who care about this city and are speaking up about what they want or don’t want. SO make fun of the name if you want, but you can’t take away the accomplishment of the group above and all those who signed to have their voices heard.

    1. I’ll congratulate the SCAT people on their accomplishment but only if they’ll promise stop trying to hold up the project once their initiative is defeated.

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