by Sara 

Still time to comment on proposed policies for Seattle’s industrial lands


MV reader J writes:


I recently went to a meeting at Q Café regarding the future of Interbay. The meeting was put on by the Seattle Department of  Planning and Development and it was sparsely attended. The city is looking for input from interested parties, but there were very few Magnolia residents at the meeting.

The current city proposals aim to protect the industrial land use and limit development of office buildings and small businesses. As a resident, I’d love to see many of the abandoned and run down properties converted to office buildings and small businesses. I would like to see restrictions lifted – not the proposed actions.

I would expect other Magnolia residents might want their voices heard on the issue. The email below offers surveys on the proposed policies.

Here is the email from Seattle Department of Planning and Development:

This month we held three meetings on proposed updates to the industrial lands policy in Seattle. We went to three neighborhoods, Ballard, Interbay, and Georgetown, and met with over 100 local residents, property owners, and business-people to hear their thoughts on the proposed policy. We gathered numerous comments, participated in some great discussion, and came away with a lot of useful information. Thank you to everyone who came out to discuss the future of our city’s industrial lands.

If you missed out on these meetings and would like to participate, you can view our meeting materials, background documents, and more on our Industrial Lands website. We also have two online surveys available through the end of March:

We will continue to gather and study comments before making our final policy recommendations to City Council as part of Seattle 2035, the major Comprehensive Plan Update. Questions or comments? Email Tom Hauger.

About the author 


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