by Sara 

Get rid of those old TVs – FREE


By reporter Steven Smalley
If you’re like most of us, once you bought that new flat screen television, the old tube monster is stashed in the garage awaiting its fate for another day, TBD. A trip to the dump costs money. Get rid of old TVs and myriad other consumer goods this Saturday, Nov. 1 at Magnolia United Church of Christ. The service is free.
This recycling event, put on by 1 Green Planet, will take whatever is stacking up. Here is just a partial list: Cell phones, circuit boards, computers, freezers, lawnmowers (empty gas), metal furniture, microwaves, motorcycles, printers, refrigerators, freezers, air conditioning units, bicycles, BBQs, kitchenware, typewriters, satellite dishes, scrap metal, VCR players, vehicles, washers, weed eaters, et al.
Here are the DON’TS: Wood, wooden furniture, glass, chemicals, paint, books, cardboard, disks & drives, audiotape, videotapes, CDs, DVDs, tires, lightbulbs, Styrofoam, hazardous waste or oil.
The complete list of items they will take is truly amazing. Check out the whole thing by clicking on their website here.
Magnolia United Church of Christ is located at 3555 W. McGraw St. The recycling event is free. Hours are 10a.m.-3 p.m. Cash donations are welcome.

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