by Sara 

Dive deep into the brain at the free”Perfect Storm” seminar


A sponsored post

All are invited to attend “The Perfect Storm” seminar, presented by Dr. Clem of Discovery Wellness Center.  The focus of the evening will be on potential causes of neuro-developmental disorders such as autism, ADHD, seizures and sensory integration disorder, with a specific emphasis on the role of the brain and central nervous system.

This free seminar teaches attendees exactly how the brain and neuro-development are supposed to occur, and where it goes wrong with spectrum disorders and developmental delays. Most importantly, the seminar provides attendees with direction and an understanding of how to get their child’s nervous system balanced and healthy again, and enhance and improve their child’s function and development-no matter the disorder.

Dr. Clem plans to spend a lot of time on in-utero constraint and birth injuries, which he feels is perhaps the most overlooked aspect of caring for kids on the spectrum. In his practice Dr. Clem finds that a majority of his spectrum patients have some degree of birth injury, resulting in subluxation and abnormal neurodevelopment.

He will also review extensively what he calls the “3Ts/5Ds” concept of neuro-developmental disorders, where the 3Ts (traumas, toxins, and thoughts) create a neurological “storm” of dyskinesia, dysafferentation, dysautonomia, dysponesis, and disconnection… and how that is often a sure-fire recipe for autism spectrum disorders, ADHD, and more.

CLICK HERE to register for “The Perfect Storm” seminarWednesday, October 29th at 7pm at Discovery Wellness Center, 1631 15th Ave W. Suite 114 (in the Interbay Worklofts by Whole Foods). Can’t make it? Schedule a time for Dr. Clem to present “The Perfect Storm” to your group. Call 206.283.7033 or



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