by Sara 

Oktoberfest in the Village at Szmania’s


Celebrate Oktoberfest and the last Bierfest party of the year at Szmania’s this weekend. There’s a special German menu Friday night complete with “Tasting Notes “ and pairings at every Bavarian course.  $39 for dinner/$10 additional for bier tastings.   Reservations are a must so they don’t run out of goodies.  Take a peek at Chef Ludger’s offerings:


Mūnchener Gulash – Pork & Sauerkraut Soup with spiced Paprika & Crème Fraiche


 Dortmunder Beet Salad – with sweet Onions, Field Greens & Feta Cheese

BIER-Altenmunster Oktoberfest


Rinderrouladen – Spätbungenden braised Beef Roulade stuffed with  Pork Sausage & Pickles

BIER-Paulaner Salvatore


Wiener Schnitzel – Pasture-raised Veal Cutlet with fresh Lemon & Capers, sautéed Potatoes and Fall Vegetables

BIER-Radeberger Pilsner


Black Forest Cake with Wild Cherries & Chocolate Mousse

BIER-Maisel’s Original Hefe-Weisse

Szmania’s is at 3321 McGraw St. Call 206 284-7305 for reservations.

About the author 


      1. Karen you should go to Germany sometime. The beer gals there DO have some cleavage and are not afraid to jiggle it!!!

        1. Here are the rules:
          When women jiggle it, it is because they choose to do it, for their own enjoyment and to entice men.
          When men criticize women for not doing it, they should turn the criticism on themselves…do THEY wear speedos? If they do, then THEY choose to flaunt their well endowed attributes. Women who criticize men for not being slim enough to wear speedos to advantage are rightfully called unfeeling, because a guy can’t help it if he looks like a fat slob in a speedo. Women are supposed to “look past that” to the real guy.
          Men who criticize women for not jiggling it are rightfully called insensitive because they are supposed to “look past that” to the real woman. Men who reduce women to sex objects better look like sex objects themselves.

          1. I dont know about that! I like a “well endowed” man in a speedo. Then again I am kind of a tease or flirt myself. It depends on the culture….in Europe men wear speedos as very typical beach and pool wear and most women think nothing of it. Now when the well endowed man starts to get excited…..that is a different tale to tell:-)

          2. I hear you. A well endowed man in a speedo wants to be noticed, excited or not, and that is usually rewarded with the attention he wants. Same with women in low cut dresses…go for it. Everyone is getting what they want. All I am saying is that if a guy doesn’t wear a speedo, women shouldn’t discuss his body like it was his obligation to titillate them (“they jiggle them in Germany…why don’t the girls in the picture do the same, etc”), or worse make fun of him for not wearing a speedo. I think both women and men should just do what they want, and both women and men shouldn’t make fun of each other when they don’t act sexual. As you can see from the poster above, men like me are ridiculed for being “sensitive,” (no insult to me) when with all my years of working in psychology I am just still trying to make unliberated men see that they could be considered sex objects too…and they might not like how that feels.

    1. I imagine the reason you don’t include a picture is that most women would crack up. Sexual remarks like that mark you as an uneducated dumb hick. Unless you an educated dumb hick.

  1. Marty…agree 100%. I always LOL when I read the “indignant” replies of church ladies and “sensitive males”. It is what it is….

    1. Women judge you by the same standards. They find most men loutish, ignorant in bed, generally with a disgusting gut by age 30, and not too bright when it comes to the feelings of others.

        1. As opposed to what…the Neanderthal version? Women adore me. They tolerate dumb guys, especially those with money.

      1. Speak for yourself. My guy is wonderful, caring, bright, successful, and I am usually very satisfied after sex. He does drink beer but in moderation only.

        1. Well then, he isn’t a lout. Would you say he is a sensitive man? If so, that is what Snarkbark is ridiculing. He is saying its a good thing to be a somewhat intellectually dense man who insults woman and makes sexually crude remarks. I don’t sense you would describe your husband/boyfriend that way. You’ve already said he is bright, so I doubt he thinks women are just sex objects. Most women who are with insensitive men DO think they are idiots, but don’t have the means to act on it or like being taken care of and just roll their eyes.

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