by Sara 

Attempted break-in near 33rd and McGraw


Another reminder to stay alert- close and lock windows and doors and don’t leave keys outside!

This morning I found my basement bathroom window had be partially shattered. It’s a double pane window and the culprit made it through the first pane and stopped there. The window is alarmed, so, had they broken through and opened the window it would have set off the alarm (I do have an outdoor speaker for the alarm so it would likely be audible from the street). I’m not sure why they stopped midway, maybe the saw the alarm or maybe a neighbor, but I’m glad they didn’t get in.

…?When I inspected the area from the outside there was nothing out of the ordinary other than the big rock they’d used to shatter the window. Just a reminder to keep watch for each other.

An officer from SPD came out to check on my broken basement window and told me there’s an active group that is trolling MAG and Queen Anne, looking for unlocked windows and/or hide-a-keys as way of gaining entry into homes. Sure enough, when we walked around my yard a commemorative flag stone I have had been turned over. I don’t keep a hide-a-key there thankfully but it looks like they were checking for one as the flower pots had also been tweaked a bit. So, if you have keys hidden, move them to less obvious spots!

Thanks for the tip!



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  1. Not sure if this is related to your incident but yesterday my daughter was home alone in the early afternoon and a tall black male rang the doorbell and my daughter saw him through the peep hole and asked him what he wanted and the male walked away. We live one block off Magnolia Blvd about three blocks from Discovery Park. My daughter called me on my cell at work and I contacted the SPD to let them know.

    Why is our area targeted so much lately? We have lived in the same house over 15 years with never an incident (that I know of) and I am reading about all the goings on in this blog and the papers and it freaks me out.

  2. If you look at the Seattle crime maps you will see that there have been at least 3 armed (gun) robberies during the day and early evening hours lately in Magnolia. I’m not liking this trend.

      1. Ella Bailey is a party palace at night- if the 40 bottles, beer cans and craptastic wine bottles I see in the morning are any indication

  3. If you see ANY suspicious persons please take their picture if at all possible (covertly to protect yourself). Time to start identifying our “guests”. Moderator, can we publish photos on this forum?

  4. Who agrees with me that is is time to take a bite out of crime in our little ‘hood before this gets any worse? There are only 3 routes for an automobile to get in and out of Magnolia. Security cameras on each bridge to record all the comings and goings into/from Magnolia are called for, along with prominent signage so everyone knows they are being observed. If the city won’t do this, it is time for the citizens of Magnolia to do this ourselves. The cost of this technology these days is trivial compared to the savings from the crime it will prevent.

    1. If we did that, someone presumably would have to keep an archive of the video (sorry if I am technologically not up to par here). Will you step forward to do it? Will you or someone else who agrees here step up and collect the funds from all of us who would like to do it? Do we need to put in permanent poles/structures to hold the camera? Will the city agree? It feels good to come up with suggestions (I always have my share too), but its hard to implement them sometimes. I certainly believe many would applaud you if you did.

    2. You’re assuming people travel by car and leave immediately. Fact: You can walk out of Magnolia by many different routes, never touching any of those bridges, or you can take a boat. Fact: Stolen property has been found stashed in the wooded areas around our little hamlet, presumably to be retrieved at a later time.

      1. Correct. Which is why money is better spent making individual homes impregnable than trying to police or monitor the whole area…and the city doesn’t have to get involved, either.

    3. Actually they have installed more cameras and signage in Medina across Lake Washington and the crime rate has INCREASED. Doubt that would work or defer the crims from coming to Magnolia. Crime is an opportunity best you can do is lock your windows and doors and report unusual behavior and get to know your neighbors.

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