by Sara 

No fireworks in Magnolia


With the 4th of July approaching, we’ve been noticing tons of these signs around the nabe…

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  1. Thank you! And a big kick in the crotch to whoever was setting off fireworks at midnight Sunday night.

  2. In other news, Magnolia was voted the neighborhood most likely to successfully emulate Orwell’s 1984.

    1. Are we looking at the same sign? It’s obvious that this person does NOT have any spare time. Otherwise, why would he or she have abbreviated “because” as “b/c”? This is clearly a person with Very Important Things to get to after posting these signs.

      1. Oh yes, Very Important Things to get to, such as being on window patrol so as not to miss any possible opportunity to wag their finger as they shout, “Hey, you kids, get offa my lawn!”

  3. I long for the good old days when Raye Field and the Lower Playground (Ella Bailey) at Magnolia School were rife with Independence Day celebration courtesy of Boom City. Too bad there is not a Post No Bills law in SEA like NYC. Then we could call the police on the individual posting these signs.

  4. Fix your sign, add the non-emergency number. Personally I could careless, but the drunk people getting to their fireworks after the bars … really annoying.

  5. I wish people would be more considerate of others and realize not everyone wants to hear fireworks going off all night. They keep up the babies and scare the pets. And no I’m not a grumpy pants, I just hate that I have to deal with the noise, etc. because someone has decided they want to have some fun.

    1. The horror. You have to deal with noise because someone decided to have fun.

      1. It’s not dealing with noise. It’s dealing with kids and animals who are scared out of their wits. In their own homes. With nowhere else to go to get away from the source of the terror.

        The horror. People can’t enjoy the big city fireworks show that everyone freaked out over when it was going to be cancelled. They have to come home and terrorize their own neighborhood as well. Jerks.

        1. Careful everyone, if you let off fireworks and instill terror, that makes you a terrorist.

          1. By definition, yes. You are endangering others by doing something illegal. Eventually you’ll get nailed for it.

  6. I know it’s petty, but I LOL’d at “Videotape”. Smart money is on some creepy dog-lady retiree with nothing at all better to do (probably my neighbor). The “Do it for the … ” part also reminded me of this old gem:

  7. I know that I live in a large metropolitan area full of other humans, but do they have to constantly remind me of this fact by doing fun things and making sounds and generally carrying on 1/365th of the time?

      1. Yeah, I am ridiculous for wishing 911 was open for say… actual emergencies. 🙂 I don’t care about the fireworks though. Well, there was one last night that did cause the cat and I both to jump but its ok.

  8. when i saw this flier I ripped it off the post and tore it to pieces. Lighting off fireworks on one day won’t hurt. Someone needs to get a life and stop posting these all over.

    1. You don’t live in Magnolia. THose of us who live here put up with 5-7 days of the nuisance. It has gotten to be abusive to more than just the elderly and pets…its abusive to people who have to work at night/day and sleep in the day/night…as kids set off what is left of the cache their parents wasted money on illegally. There is no excuse for a week of it.

  9. Don’t mind fireworks ON the 4th of July up until about midnight. But after that….yep then I have to agree with the article. Not to mention having to listen to fireworks 1 week before and after the 4th. You get your ONE day…enjoy it. But don’t push your luck.

  10. And while we’re at it… I’d like to request – NO DRINKING ON THE 4th EITHER! Thank you.

    1. Especially when you are driving. And you are probably driving to get to where you are drinking.

  11. Many of these signs are stapled to trees…which violates the city posting ordinance. Would this neighbor advocate videotaping and calling the police due to this violation? from the “Don’t” list:
    “Do not hang posters on structures such as trees, signal control boxes, street furniture, bus shelters, bicycle racks, or art. Remember: poles and posts: ‘yes’; other structures ‘no’.”

  12. Lighten up and let people have fun for just a night, it’s not like it’s every day (If it was every day then, yes, it would be a problem) It’s very ANAL to take out a video camera and record someone doing that. Just let people have some fun for one night will ya! Don’t be so uptight

    1. They keep it up for a week. I am writing this on the day of the 4th and it is eerily quiet. I am hoping that enough people realize that the majority has had enough of four days of burning money…oh I mean fireworks…that is a nuisance to everyone else.

  13. Too funny. This would have been much more threatening and effective if the person who made this poster was asking people to call them instead of the police.

  14. One day a year people … go away. I have two large dogs and I am tranquilizing them … just a little to calm their nerves. Happy 4th and we will be lighting lots from Boom City!

  15. The sign is ridiculous. Even with photos and video, the cops won’t do anything until one of these idiots who think fireworks are somehow patriotic sets a house on fire or injures a bystander. Yes, I lived in a place that had a fire started by people with fireworks.

    There’s a reason why fireworks are illegal in Seattle. They are dangerous. They also frighten my dog to the point that she hides in the closet trembling, even with tranquilizers and a Thundershirt, but as people have said, she needs to get a life.

  16. I find this all kinda amusing, yes fireworks are fun and observing the 4th is important but isn’t that why the city has fireworks shows for everyone? Some people i have observed fire their weapons into the air to celebrate an important event. I certainly hope people do not do that in this or any neighborhood for obvious reasons. I would imagine their will now be at least a police presence in the area to at least collect the video tape evidence after or if some fires or other damage to property has been made due to determined patriots . I would guess that probably is why their are so many torked off revelers in the first place. “Happy 4th of july America” and cant we all just get along?

  17. I think its selfish and inconsiderate and I don’t expect the police to come but I do expect to get addresses and file complaints this year for every house where I see it done. Enough already with idiots burning their money and teaching their kids to burn their money and to hell with how it affects the neighbors.

  18. Growing up, we always did a few fireworks in our driveway. It wasn’t illegal to do so. I think it’s kinda sad that we can’t light a few sparklers. I don’t want to haul myself to Gasworks Park and the traffic hell it presents. So, basically, I’m not celebrating. But certainly not because of a pet (and I have pets) nor the elderly (who cannot hear). I think the sign is ridiculous frankly.

    1. It isn’t a few sparklers in the driveway. My guess is that you are under forty. If you are fit, not overweight, bright…maybe you won’t succumb to old age all that quickly. But the elderly can hear, and since I just hiked 12 miles in 90 plus degree weather last weekend with people in their 80’s who were in better shape than I am at 60, I’m guessing they might hear better than you will at forty.

  19. A few years ago I might have thought the sign was overkill, but after tonight, I get the point of the person who posted it.

    I’ve been out of town on the 4th in recent years, but was home tonight. I simply can’t believe what the 4th of July has become in terms of fireworks and explosions. It was incessant starting at 6pm and it’s still going on at 11:30p. We’re not talking sparkers, as ericsmith mentioned. It’s window-shattering boom after boom, from homes all over the hill. I appreciate people having fun and setting off a few small fireworks. But this is really out of control.

    The worst part is that the people setting off these massive pyrotechnics schemes seem to have no compassion whatsoever for animals who are dramatically affected by the explosions — both pets and wild animals. We have rookeries and nesting birds and various sensitive situations with wildlife on Magnolia, part of what makes this neighborhood so beautiful and rich. I saw fireworks coming from areas very close by to those zones. I’m simply stunned by how uncaring people are in terms of having very intrusive entertainment without considering how others around them might be affected.

      1. Thanks for that link, mag mom. I wish Magnolia could enforce a similar buffer zone. There are obviously active Bald Eagle nests in the neighborhood, not to mention other Federally protected species nesting here, too.

        1. I have little hope that the folks who are still setting off illegal fireworks after 12:30 in the morning would be deterred by a buffer zone for protected animals. Ignorance? Arrogance?

          1. So true. I mean, it’s already illegal and they don’t give a crap. I’m just stunned by the caliber of the fireworks being tossed out now for seven hours running. They are truly disruptive, shaking the walls.

          2. They were still going after 1:30am when I finally fell asleep. Seriously? If you’re so drunk that you don’t realize how rude setting off fireworks in a city neighborhood at 1:30am is, you have no business setting off fireworks.

          3. No kidding! I took a long walk early this morning and found fireworks litter everywhere, including in Discovery Park and at the locks. Just disrespect for people and the environment, all the way around.

      2. What part of illegal do people not understand? Our wildlife is why we live where we do. Our neighborhood was never like it is now with the M80’s and the madness going on for days before and after the 4th. Have the decency to go to a public firework display and stop thinking that your neighbors get a kick out of seeing you be a jerk.

    1. It’s 12:15 and I’m still hearing it. Come on, folks. The kids are in bed and some people need to work in the morning.

  20. My toddler slept through it – Magnolia you need to jack this up to 11 next year.

  21. It only takes a spark to get a fire going…..

    We were about a half a mile away from this fire this evening. People were lighting off their own illegal fireworks as they were waiting for the big show to start on Lake Union. Apparently, an ember fell into a boat and “woosh!”, things went up quickly. Take a quick look at these photos from about 2 hours ago and see if you still think it’s cool to light off fireworks.

    1. Lets hope that they take responsibility for their actions instead of leaving it to the insurance of innocent people to handle. Of course, I hope those fireworks were worth the fine, jail time, court and attorney fees, and $1.5 million dollars in restitution.

  22. It’s one day a year, people. Get over it. My 9 month old baby who normally sleeps pretty soundly through the night woke up and cried because of the main firework show and you know what I did? I went and held her for 5 minutes to settle her down and put her back to sleep. It’s called being a parent in a large metropolitan city. It’s great that you’ve had children or you’ve domesticated a dog or cat but seriously, you knew the situation going in. Instead of getting angry at the world, maybe think about smiling and enjoying the fact that others are out having a good time and celebrating.

    1. Maybe you could recognize that each child is different and not every child is going to react the way yours did.

      1. Then move to the country. Seriously. You people are raising your kids to be neurotic pansies.

        1. The issue isn’t so much July 4 but the fact that people set off fireworks before and after then. Also, the size of fireworks is larger than it used to be. There is more annoyance and danger now than there used to be.

        2. Young children being afraid of loud, unpredictable noises in the night is not neurosis. If you want to play with recreational explosives, maybe YOU ought to move to the country so you can do so without bothering the thousands if other people who live near you in the city.

          1. Respect Your Neighbors is right … moving to the country, sadly, generally means shotguns and rifles during hunting season, and lots of leeway with 4th of July explosives. You’ve got your equation reversed, Dale.

          2. Move to Skagit, Dale. No dog leash laws, so your lawn will be piled with poop. Everyone on the street where I used to live had a firearm and there were injuries when kids got their hands on them….parents shrugged it off. Neurotic pansies, like city dogs, live to a ripe old age. In the country, you’ll die of diabetes and your dog will die young (statistics back this up), likely being hit by a car as it wanders wherever because “no one tells you what to do HERE!”

    2. Except that part of living in this metropolitan area is understanding that fireworks are illegal in cities like Seattle for a reason. There were fireworks remnants in all the parks, in areas right by prominent wildlife sites, in fire hazard zones and treed areas. You think that’s okay, too? It’s so disrespectful and unnecessary. I love how people make excuses for crap and rude behavior these days, as if calling out jerks makes you some kind of a tightwad. What about a sense of community and kindness toward others? A lost art in these times, I guess.

  23. Originally I’d have agreed with Dale but after last night watching an hour’s worth of illegal fireworks (Magnolia’s own private show) and two cop cars showing up at a local park, I have to support the city. Too many drunk people, explosives and children in one area. It was pretty but I don’t think it was particularly safe.

    1. If somebody is out of control or excessively drunk – that’s one thing. But well-meaning and fun-seeking behavior should be encouraged. Starting to feel like that movie Footloose around here. When will we ban dances for OMG the reckless behavior they encourage! Silly

      1. Let people have fun in any way they want that doesn’t involve other people who don’t want to be part of it. Same for sex, same for dancing…same for anything you do to express yourself. Don’t impose it on someone else if they are unwilling. No one is being puritanical here, we just don’t want to pay the price for what is entertaining for you. This really hit a button for me because I am pretty much anti-organized anything (religion, politics, you name it). I am fun seeking. But I don’t make my neighbors have to endure it.

    2. I was there last night, and saw the police stop it. After they did so, I found a cop and thanked him for doing his job. There were hundreds of people there, and the fireworks were big ones. It was an amazing dangerous, thoughtless, and stupid thing to do.

  24. Would those of you who trashed up Ella Bailey Park with fireworks boxes and debris please get yourselves back up there to clean it up? Thanks.

    1. I picked up your garbage in Discovery Park today, too. You’re welcome.

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