by Sara 

Magnolia is not a dump


MV tipster Emily writes:

Thursday evening I was driving home late and saw a beige/tan color Mercedes or Lexus at the corner of W Government Way and 32nd.? They were parked with their flashers are and it looked like either packing up or unpacking the car.? I gave them the benefit of the doubt and kept driving.? I had a bad feeling about this but figured they could not possibly be dumping junk on this corner with such a nice car.? They must have the money to drive their stuff to the dump like all the rest of us…??Well I was wrong!? While driving on Sunday I noticed 2 or 3 mattresses and a bunch of other stuff at this corner.

Can you post a little comment about this story so that if these people read this blog that they know they have been spotted and that as a community we do not appreciate pawning the work off on innocent people!? Now someone has to either take their stuff to the dump for them or it just stays there and makes our community look bad.

…This was such a crazy sight to be seen in Magnolia and just breaks my heart that people living in our community would feel it is ok to do something like this.

Thanks so much for your email!?The nearest transfer station is the North Recycling and Disposal Station at 1350 N. 34th Street. According to their website:

A wide range of items?including tires, scrap metal, and vehicle batteries?can be recycled at the two Recycling & Disposal Stations. Regular household garbage and many larger items are accepted for disposal. Hours: 8:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., 7 days a week.

And, if you happen to see someone dumping trash? in the future, you can call the King County Illegal Dumping Hotline: (206) 296-7483.

About the author 


  1. I live in the area where the stuff was dumped and this is not the first time this has happened at the same spot. I, too, have seen person in a Mercedes unload junk there. Next time I will definitely use the hotline to report it. Pretty amazing that folks would do that!

  2. Oh my bad that was me, Oppsies ill pick a new spot next time…

    This is really pointless people do this all the time whats new.

  3. Those people should try that over in Greenlake. They’ll get bitched out before they have time to take the stuff out of their car. When we were moving from there to Magnolia, we had arranged with a junk disposal person to come pick up some things we needed to dispose of. He told us to have the stuff sitting out at the curb for pickup. While we were hauling all the stuff out, we had no less than 2 neighbors come over telling us how we had BETTER not just leave that junk there and expect THEM to deal with it. We had always been good, quiet, clean neighbors… it was a little disconcerting.

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