by Sara 

Help Interbay Whole Foods help Magnolia Manor P-patch


In five weeks, Magnolia Manor Park has raised more than?$5,000 (with a goal of $10,000) towards the costs of?opening all?100 Magnolia Manor Park P-Patch Plots by next Spring. Karen Andersen, a spokesperson for MMP says here’s one easy way to be a part?of the fundraising:
“Whole Foods Market at Interbay, is supporting?our efforts with a?10 cent bag donation for two?periods: August 13 thru September?1 and September 17 thru September 30?Ask? to donate your bag refund to Magnolia Manor P-Patch. Or?you can donate?online?here. Our sincere thanks to our community who has supported us in passing the? $5,000 mark.? This has happened with 24 donors.”
You can read more about Magnolia Manor and the P-Patch here.

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  1. I’m glad the p-patch people found their “sugar daddy” on this project, but I really question the dog park. The little guys are put off by themselves where they get steeped in each other’s fecal material residue (who uses bleach?). The only times I’ve been to a vet with a diarrhea problem in our dog I was told to NEVER use dog parks…they are like sewage dumps for bacteria. The big areas are favored by the ball pitchers/chasers. Well large breeds like ours that love to chase (can clear a picnic table like a gazelle!) are always irritating to the dog ball breeds, who get angry if taken off of their task.. They also take up the whole area, at least when I was by there. And like any unsupervised kindergarten class, the other breeds are on their own…sometimes they fight, sometimes they pick on a particular dog. So unless there is a ball-pitcher “super-fund” out there to contribute to the park, I personally decided not to contribute to this. Good for vets though.

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