by Sara 

Snow in February? The city is ready…


With below-freezing temperatures predicted for our area on Sunday night (and possible light snow on Sunday), SDOT has their snowplows at the ready. SDOT spokesperson Marybeth Turner writes:
The Seattle Department of Transportation’s Street Maintenance Division will have equipment and personnel available for snow and ice response throughout the weekend in case they are needed. Supplies of snow and ice-fighting materials have been replenished (granular rock salt and liquid magnesium chloride). Spreaders and plows will be mounted on twenty dump trucks, and four flusher trucks with liquid magnesium chloride will be ready to go into service. Supervisors and Managers will continue to monitor weather conditions throughout the weekend. If conditions warrant, night crews will patrol for ice, treating bridges and streets. Additional crews will be available to report to work at any time during the weekend and for the Monday morning commute, as needed.
photo by K. Kennell, taken during Magnolia's last snow storm

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