by Sara 

Baby, it?s cold outside!


15th Avenue West at West Dravus Street looks clear -- for now. Photo: SDOT.

It’s just above freezing today, 34 degrees to be exact, and most of the snow that came down like feathers earlier today, has since melted away. But that doesn’t mean we’re off the hook.
Roads will be icy, and Seattle weather reports say, brace yourself: 100 percent snow Tuesday and Wednesday. So get ready for not only slow going on roads, and no-going on hills, but school closures (do you have daycare or vacation time?) and tougher mobility especially for older neighbors.
There is a 90 percent chance of more snow today though since the temperature is lingering above freezing, it won’t likely stick. And major arterials are cold and clear. The Seattle Department of Transportation’s camera trained on West Dravus Street and 15th Avenue West shows smooth, nearly car-free streets on this Martin Luther King Jr. holiday.
In the last hour, plow trucks with salt spreaders have covered routes mostly in Magnolia as the map below indicates by the red lines in the graphic below.

Meanwhile, most of Queen Anne’s streets have not needed plowing or salting, except for Fifth Avenue North up to Valley Street in the lower neighborhood. The View will post updates as they come. Click?here for instant SDOT information.



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