by Sara 

3,000 books this summer in Magnolia


The folks at the Magnolia Library wanted to send a big thank you to readers who read our recent post and brought Kleenex boxes to the library for their Space Needle project.  They got lots of boxes and this photo shows that they put them to good use.    

The Space Needle is to promote the 2011 Summer Reading Program at the library.   Kids of all ages are invited to participate and it?s all free.   Magnolia?s goal is to read 3,000 books this summer by August 28th.  

Children can get a reading log to track their books.  They will get a sticker for each book they read  and when they read 10 books, they will win a paperback book of their choice. The completed reading log can also be used to get a free pass to the Burke Museum between Friday, July 1 and Monday, Oct. 31, 2011.  Children who finish 10 books by August 1 will be entered into a drawing to attend the  city librarian’s popular Breakfast of Champions held at the Space Needle.

Teens can get in on the fun too.  The folks from the library have been visiting  Magnolia middle and high schools distributing copies of ?Boneshaker? by Cherie Priest and ?Leviathan? by Scott Westerfeld. Copies have also been hidden in secret locations around Seattle.   Teens can look for copies of the books by getting clues at the library?s teen blog Push to Talk.    Once they find the book they can read it, sign their initials on the back and either pass along to a friend or re-hide it.  They can also post an entry about the book on the teen blog.  

Adults can enter their names in the binder-notebook and keep track of how many books they read this summer.  They can fill out a review form for every three books they read to enter a drawing for a Nook e-reader. 

For more information, contact the Magnolia Branch at 206-386-4225 or visit the website.

About the author 


  1. Cool! I was wondering what they were going to do w/all those Kleenex boxes.. now I know! 🙂

  2. I hope every Magnolia reader (of all ages!) signs up and records the books they read this summer. It’s a great way to support our neighborhood library. And it can’t hurt when library management downtown sees how much we love and use our library!

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