by Sara 

Little league registration underway


Now is the time to register for Magnolia Little League Baseball and Girl?s Fastpitch.  There are divisions for kids from 5 to 18 years old. More information and registration available here.  

Registration for ages 9 to 12 closes on February 10th to accommodate
the pre-season skills assessments. For boys and girls ages 9-12 years who wish to play in either the  AAA or Majors division there will be skills assessments held on February 12 and 13. More details are on the website.

The league is also looking for volunteers to help with Little League  Parade Day on Saturday, March 26th.  Assistance is needed with set up, decorations, traffic control, and take down for the event.  If you can help, please contact Christine Lopez at

About the author 


  1. Fewer teams, less money, and in the end the kids get hurt. The Parks Department is happiest when no teams take the field. Kids on the field = More work for bureaucrats.

  2. Fewer teams, less money, and in the end the kids get hurt. The Parks Department is happiest when no teams take the field. Kids on the field = More work for bureaucrats.

  3. I do believe that the little league is picking up the tab on this year cost overruns. They are not pushing it onto kids this year. It is crazy how much they are charging for SUB PAR facilities. They can’t maintain a field if they had a gun to there head. What I suggest is supply every field with the proper tools to maintain it and allow whoever rents the fields prepare it themselves. That would take less money to pay some union fat cat to do it on his own. I still play baseball for an adult league and pay over $350 to play ever year and the fields still are terrible. We need to step up and take action so we do not loose our youth sports. They are essential to the growth and development of our youth boys and girls. With out sports what will our kids do????

    1. I also heard that Parks will only be mowing the grass, not maintaining the infield. It’ll be up to volunteers to groom them before games. I haven’t heard this directly from the Parks Dept. so don’t hold me to it but I wouldn’t be surprised. Give us less maintenance and charge us 120% more!

  4. I’m interested in signing my son up for tball, but see no information on the website regarding practice/game times or costs involved. Anyone know where I can find this out?

  5. I’m interested in signing my son up for tball, but see no information on the website regarding practice/game times or costs involved. Anyone know where I can find this out?

  6. go to there website and click member login and it will take you to there registration page.

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