by Sara 

Who, What, When (How and Why) Sure ?Nuff a Most Vital Column


John Maynard reporting

Hello, Magnolians. This column is the result of what happens when you sit down on the sidewalk bench in front of Le Roux and have a conversation with Steve Smalley. So every couple of weeks or so, you?ll get a blog I?ve agreed to addressing such matters as?

Magnolia needs more leaf blowers. Just the other day I witnessed a leaf at the corner of Glenmont and Constance. Unacceptable! On rare occasions Magnolia citizens will not hear the 10,000 RPM screaming whine of the blue smoke-belching two-strokers. Wow? silence, bees, birds, the breeze? is everything ok here? And don?t you just hate it when those low-flying Russian freighters aiming for Boeing field drown out the 105 db of the oh-so-essential precious leaf blowers. And get this? one resident, that would be me, had the temerity to actually suggest raking leaves and using a broom. Preposterous!
And such matters as?

I?m sure we?re all enjoying the new 200,000 volt white-hot pupil-searing street lights ushering us into Magnolia. No, it?s not a prison yard? it?s just Magnolia saying, ?Let?s whitewash the neighborhood into oblivion.? Helps the little?jerks breaking into your car see all the better. If you?re looking for mood lighting, go to the dentist.
And such matters as?

BUS #24?
Has anyone ever seen a rider after 7pm? Yeah, me neither.
Thanks for reading. See ya in a couple of weeks. And please address all comments and complaints immediately to Steve Smalley.

About the author 


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