by Sara 

Photo shoot in Lawton Park


Magnolia Voice reader Charles got the scoop on a photo shoot in Lawton Park over the weekend and shared it with us:

When I went to Lawton Park today to walk my dog, it turned out that I wasn’t the only one taking advantage of the amazing weather that finally rolled in. At the top of the little path that starts on 25th Ave. W that runs through the green belt and puts you out in the park, there were a couple of people arranging two seats, an end table and a lamp in front of some photo equipment.

After a bit, a photographer and a couple of models came into the park and got set up along with a gorgeous dog that I see there all the time. At that point I had to ask what was going on. They photographer said it was a shoot for the May issue of D List magazine. They took a bunch of shots with the two models looking fancy in the seats and the dog at their feet before breaking up the set and moving it to another place in the park.


I asked the dog’s owner if he knew the people beforehand.  Apparently he did not.  They just saw his very good looking dog and asked if she could be in the shots. This isn’t the first time something similar has happened to the dog. In fact, it was his fourth photo shoot.

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