by Sara 

Codes to Dive By


With the cost of food going up, one group of Seattleites has figured out how to eat every meal for free. They call themselves “freegans,” more commonly known to outsiders as “dumpster divers.” As one freegan says, “People think that food that goes in the garbage is bad.” They disagree. But it’s not just about sifting through garbage, they also forage for food in urban areas.

Students from the UW Entrepreneurial Journalism class, taught by our partners at the Common Language Project, talk with these freegans who say they “eat like kings” on a daily basis.

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  1. it?s really, really annoying when the same story gets posted the entire network of blogs. it comes across as agenda-pushing. one of the “freegans” must be your friend.

  2. ?My issue with this behavior is that it takes away food/items from people who REALLY do need it (homeless). There are real survivors on the street who need the scraps and now they’ve got competition from folks who are better off just trying to live on the cheap.

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