There is another opportunity to give input on the possible land swap between the Seattle Parks Department and the Port of Seattle at Smith Cove. The Magnolia Community Club (MCC) is holding a public meeting on Thursday (3/10) at 7p.m. at Catharine Blaine cafeteria.
This comes on the heels of a Parks Department meeting on this topic last week. MCC president Diana Dearmin says this meeting was planned before they knew about the other meeting and it will give Magnolia residents another chance to learn about the plan and share their concerns.
The Port of Seattle and the City of Seattle are discussing a possible land exchange and creation of a new waterfront park in the Smith Cove area. This could result in a relocated city park and
playfield with expanded shoreline access.
This is needed due to King County?s efforts to find a home for a 1.8 million-gallon combined sewer overflow tank.
Magnolia resident and King County councilmember Larry Phillips will speak at the meeting. Dearmin says the goal is to continue the outreach on this complex issue but she emphasizes that the MCC Board has not yet taken a position on the swap.
Can someone explain to me what is that house in the left of the picture? Who owns it? Is it a government building? Can anyone go in it?
The road to access it is under the bridge and is clearly marked that its no trespassing and it appears to be state or federal.
What is the deal with that house? If someone can explain, I’ll buy you a drink.
Can someone explain to me what is that house in the left of the picture? Who owns it? Is it a government building? Can anyone go in it?
The road to access it is under the bridge and is clearly marked that its no trespassing and it appears to be state or federal.
What is the deal with that house? If someone can explain, I’ll buy you a drink.
I explained when you asked last time in another thread…if you would check back on your questions you will find answers. 🙂
Sorry I didn’t get an immediate reply and being of the new generation, I have such a short attention span and require immediate gratification. The Cat Country thanks you and will provide you a drink at what will certainly be some Magnolia Community Camber of Commerce of Airplane Noise function perhaps.
Unlikely we will ever meet, I don’t attend community meetings, nor do I drink or even like you or your attempts at discontent…
You do not drink any fluids? I don’t find that true.
So, go back to your original question, you will find my detailed reply:
So, go back to your original question, you will find my detailed reply:
So, go back to your original question, you will find my detailed reply:
For many years, that was the Navy Admirals house. I don’t think it has been used for quite some time now.
I think I’ll pass on the drink though.
Cat Country: here’s the info on the Admiral’s House.