by Sara 

Discovery Park creeper


Lori writes:

At Discovery Park on my run / walk today at around 2:00pm, I encountered a young man who requested to take a picture of me. He followed me up the steep path leading from the beach up to the bluff. He got close enough to me for me to smell his breath, which reaked of alcohol. I asked him multiple times to back out of my space but he refused. Luckily, three people came walking along the path and said I could join them. The young man began to yell inflammatory statements at us as we left. He was approximately 21 years or younger, 5’10”, 185 lbs (on the chubby side), wearing black jacket and pants, medium dark complexion, dark curly hair. He was carrying an old cell phone with a cracked screen and continued to take pictures even when asked to stop. I called SPD and also reported the incident to the Discovery Park Visitor Center, who told me somebody had reported a disturbing young man taking pictures the day before also.

Please call 911 if you encounter this person.

About the author 


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