by Sara 

Magnolia?s own debuts new book for boys


Magnolia local?and author Cam Dokey unveils her latest book tomorrow at Magnolia’s Bookstore:

On Saturday, June 8th, from to 1 to 3 p.m., we will celebrate the June 4th release of Zack’s Story (Boys Camp #1), the first book in a brand new and exciting series for beginning readers, with special emphasis on young boys. As the series title indicates, all the Boys Camp stories will be set at camp–action-packed Camp Wolf Trail to be precise. Young readers looking for adventure will be happy to pack their bags and head on out. Parents looking for a strong series for boys just beginning to read alone will be happy to cheer them on. Every boy has a story. Encourage your own adventuresome boy to find his story with a trip to Boys Camp.

Saturday, June 8th from 1-3pm

3206 W. McGraw St.?



About the author 


  1. That cover is horrific looking. If you’re going to go through all the effort to write a book, invest in a good cover designer/artist. As much as people say ‘Don’t judge a Book by it’s Cover,’ people do. Bad covers tend to = poor sales.

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