By reporter Steven Smalley
Maybe you saw the white tent on The Boulevard flapping in the wind yesterday. Or perhaps you sat in the line of traffic this morning on 15th near the golf course. All of it belongs to the same folks who are shooting a spinoff of Grey’s Anatomy in Seattle some are calling Seattle Fire.

No, this isn’t a historic production set in 1889 – for newcomers, it’s when the city burned down. The as-yet-untitled TV show is the latest attempt to cash in on the previous successes which have crews shooting at 43rd & Glenmont yesterday, and the new Seattle Firehouse on 15th today.
The 10-episode run focuses on Seattle firefighters from the captain on down to the newest recruit in their personal and professional lives. It’s produced by the same creators who made the Grey’s spinoff, Private Practice which wrapped its sixth season in 2013.
One of the cast members on hand and pictured here is actor Jay Hayden (The Catch) who plays Travis, “an openly gay firefighter who is well-liked, funny, fun and always plays by the rules.” An Instagram video he posted exhibited our rainy weather as he extolled the virtues of sunny Hollywood. Maybe they didn’t tell him it’s wet here.
The spinoff will debut on ABC midseason on a date not yet determined.