The?popular series returns to our library in February, led by local facilitators Cathy Van Dyke and Bill Stern.?Bring a sack lunch and discuss thought-provoking world affairs?at the Magnolia Branch every other Tuesday from 1:30-3:00 p.m.??Here’s a?list of dates and?series topics:
Defense Technology -February 25???????????
Israel and the U.S.-March 11
Turkey?s Challenges-March 25????????????
Islamic Awakening-April 8
Energy Independence-April 22???????
Food and Climate-May 6
China?s Foreign Policy-May 20??????
U.S. Trade Policy-June 3
Books are available for purchase?here for $20.00, but other options are available. Contact the Magnolia Branch for additional information.
Honestly, I would rather listen to Homer Simpson than someone trying to convince me of their opinion on these “world shaking” issues. Sounds like an ego-pulpit and hot air session.
+1 on that, and you can imagine which political bend this will follow…