by Sara 

7 Hills Break-in


We got this email from 7?Seven Hills Running Shopyesterday:

We suffered a break in this morning around 5:00AM.
A small front window was smashed-open. ?Two racks of clothing were taken along with the sale bucket of clothing. ?The alarmed worked; police came; and all is well now.?Neighboring tenant, Doug Garza Arts, helped to clean up early this AM. ?Thanks Doug!
7 Hills is at 3139 W Government Way Ste B (between W 31st Ave & Fort St). Please call 911 if you know anything about the burglary.

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  1. There were multiple breakins in this area over the weekend. A friend had his house broken into and so did his neighbor. The police said there were multiple other break-ins. They broke windows to gain access to the homes. They stole two computers and wine. There is a tracking app on the ipad that shows the robbers are at a large apartment complex on Nickerson, but the police did not investigate that.

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