Travis writes:
Hi~ Some time ago you had a post up about a “little free library” that was being taken down because the homeowners were moving; thought you might be interested that Mulleadys has their own “little free library.” It’s seen great use and we love having it and would love donations of books that previous owners enjoyed reading and think others would as well. Our one request is that it not be used as a dumping ground of books that were gifted to you and you don’t want or books that you don’t want on your shelves i.e. 50 Shades of Grey. Additionally, and in the continued spirit of an Irish Pub(lic) house, we sell postage stamps, farm fresh organic eggs, as well as offer notary services during regular business hours (M-F are 12pm-1am-ish, S-S 9am-1am-ish).
Cheers and thanks, Travis
Thanks for the tip!?Mulleadys is at 3055 21st Ave W.
Why pick on 50 Shades of Gray? A bar is for adults, after all.
Maybe because it’s poorly conceived and poorly written trash, rather than because of the adult content? Seriously, it started off as Twilight fan fiction. The main characters even had the same names (Edward and Bella).