by Reporter Steven Smalley
Eleven months, six offers, and three inspections later, Rudy’s Place at 3656 34th Avenue West has sold. The new business will be an Italian restaurant owned by successful chef and Queen Anne resident, Stefan Petrov. The property, building, business, and contents all went as one package for $425,000. When it reopens, the new restaurant will, “ be friendly, have great prices, and wonderful food,” according to Petrov. He adds there will be a bar, but the emphasis will be on cuisine.
Originally from Bulgaria, Petrov (37), is a graduate of four years of culinary school in his home country, and of Seattle’s Le Cordon Bleu College of Culinary Art. He owned a Romio’s Pizza and Pasta restaurant in Everett which he sold, and the well-reviewed Vincenso’s Pizza and Pasta on Queen Anne. Currently he owns and operates Verona Pizza and Pasta in Burien which he will keep. Chef Petrov says the menu is still in the planning stages, but will have a nice selection of meat, fish, salads, and appetizers. “We want to do it right,” he said. It seems neighbors are interested in having their own place to dine on the north end of Magnolia. “People came by in their cars shouting, ‘When are you going to open?’” says real estate broker Melanie Smith of John L. Scott. If permits and remodeling go well, look for an opening of the currently unnamed restaurant by the end of the year.
I am glad that someone sees opportunity here – where so many others could not succeed. However, I have always wondered about the advisability of a mid December opening date?
I am glad that someone sees opportunity here – where so many others could not succeed. However, I have always wondered about the advisability of a mid December opening date?
It seems that some locations are cursed for restaurants and hopefully Mr. Petrov can prove that adage wrong. Best of luck and looking forward to the opening!
Never too many Italian restaurants!!! YUM!!!!
Really – Italian Again ?? Good luck to a former Romios owner
and yes we can (do) have to many Itailian Restaurants How about some Real Mexican Food (no offense to the Ranch)
An Italian restaurant with a bar will be an upgrade as long as the motorcycle crowd stays away…..
C’mon…italian? There s tones of italian around…if he really wants success do bulgarian or something different than italian.
was hoping for a breakfast option.
A family friendly breakfast joint would have been awesome.
This wasn’t posted by Anna..
Something along the lines of a NY Diner, in my opinion would do well in Magnolia….
Seriously, we have Italian. Demographics- we need something for the older folks and the family folks. Good breakfast, not overpriced, simple, friendly. A neighborhood bar to meet a friend for a quick beer without the strange party crowd that took over (never could figure that out). Look at the village pub- they are doing great with the family friendly approach. Sometimes I wonder if great chefs have serious blind spots regarding understanding business demographics and demand.
Perhaps great chefs aren’t excited to make fried chicken fingers for your kids?
Probably not. Although my kid has actually never had a fried chicken finger in her life. Come to think of it, lots of Seattle parents feed their kids just regular food. Etern, you might want to be aware of the incorrect glittering generality of assuming that all kids expect processed meat and balloons at their restaurants.
I’m so happy to see you say this. My adult children are slim and healthy because I avoided all junk foods when they were growing up (tough thing to do in schools with peer pressure). Given all the child obesity and unbelievable increase in the occurance of diabetes, asthma and food allergies, feeding kids right pays off…I told my kids fried chicken fingers were for fools, and I was right.
it pays off to eat right, you are on the wrong forum. You are addressing the wrong crowd in the wrong blog. The topic is a new restaurant in your neighborhood, not how great of a parent you are. At least there is something moving in, but the market research, if done, would have shown we have plenty of high and medium-end Italian joints to pick from. Unfortunately, the new Rudy’s concept may not last long.
I felt like complimenting the parent on a smart choice. Often times these blogs expand to other subjects than just what restaurant is going into the building. Thanks, I agree I am a great parent. Thought someone might attack my food stance, and I would be ready for a riposte (fencing is my sport). Blogs are about sharing ideas.
You guys can’t read and/or are just looking for a forum to feel good about yourself. The post I replied to specifically mentioned how smart the Village Pub was regarding their menu and family friendliness.
Guess what the first item on the village pub menu is?
Chicken Tenders + Fries—with your choice of our house made mac and jack’s bbq sauce, ranch, bleu cheese, chipotle aioli, or honey mustard for dipping.
You are right.
So maybe this Chef is great, but my comment was that there is a need in this community and to create a business that meets this need might help this place actually succeed for a while. Instead of being a culinary high-brow, I think we can have wonderful food and a family atmosphere. Kids are not animals (no offense dog peoples), they can actually integrate into society without ruining peoples experience. The pub was just one example of the community’s need for family neighborhood dining and I for one would be super exited for a place with better food but still family friendly. Geez you would have thought I wanted to bring my cockroach collection to dinner.
I’m sorry, but there is no high-end Italian in Magnolia. Mondello is pretty good, but it isn’t high-end. Just be happy somebody is starting a new restaurant in this neighborhood, wish em luck and then try it out. If it isn’t any good, then rag on it but seems premature to write it off before it opens.
Glad it sold…..but Magnolia is turning into Little Italy.
RE-OPEN the back bar!! Seriously, take all those ill-advised new TVs from the front restaurant and turn the back into a great little sports bar (kind of like it used to be…).
Excited to see what the food is like, even though Magnolia has some great Italian options already (Queen Marg & Mondellos). Best of luck! Oh, and RE-OPEN THE BACK BAR!!!
Former owner of a Romios? You mean the place that heats its pizzas in hotdog warmers that look like they were lifted from the local cineplex? Now that’s some serious culinary cred.
I’m not deluding myself that Douglas or Stowell are ever going to set foot on our little island of Magnolia, but still, I have higher hopes than this. Guess it’s off to Ballard again for dinner.
Ethan Stowell was our sous chef for a few years, right before he opened Union — so he has stepped foot in Magnolia. Try Szmania’s restaurant for that kind of quality food and local cuisine! Why Ballard when we have great food here.
How about getting off to a good start by mowing the lawn.
Glad to see the building get used again, hopefully the snow won’t fall inside like it did under the previous ownership…..
Things we have in Magnolia: A few ok restaurants
Things we don’t have: A single great restaurant
If this is the latter then it doesn’t matter what type of cuisine it is.
I am amazed by the lack of healthy and tasty options in
The thai place is as close as we get. There is usually nothing healthy about Italian
food. It is usually lots of cheese and pasta (white flour).
My favorite type of food for the past couple of years has been Vietnamese. It
is light, healthy food where I can get vegetables, meat or tofu.
And the best part is that I don’t feel like I have to
take a nap after each meal because of how heavy it is (or is making me).