The Magnolia Summerfest Art Show?is in danger of being cancelled, unless a volunteer steps up as?show coordinator by January 30th.??Summerfest Chair, Marti Stave says?”I think it’s a shame that the Art Show may not happen this year. ?It has been a community institution for many years offering a venue for residents to display their work. There are many talented photographers, painters and sculptors here in our community. It has also been a place for young artists to show their work in public sometimes for the first time.”
- photo courtesy of Marti Stave
Magnolia’s ?Summerfest and Art Show is scheduled for the weekend of August 3rd and 4th. If you would like to volunteer?as Art Show Coordinator, please contact Marti Stave at (206) 396-8803 or
I just put out a request to friends who may be interested, this could be taken on as a shared job between two interested parties. Put on your thinking cap and remember how in a tough economy we need to support the arts more than ever. This has been a great part of the summer in our neighborhood for years…
I recall a dire warning like this last year, too. Perhaps things would be less alarmist if we used this blog (as well as other resources, which I would hope someone is already doing) to solicit a leader much more than one business day before the deadline.
This blog WAS used to solicit a leader for this position previously, including on January 9 2012: ?
Missed that, so fair enough. Still, even then it was in need “quickly”.
How does one put art into the Art Show?
Contact me and I can help you – I’m the chair of the art show! ?3 entries, $12 a submission, and yes, you can sell your art at the show – we expect to have a large turn out this year, we’d be happy to have you join!