As they do each year, Village merchants will become food-drive destinations during the Village Winterfest, 5:30 to 8:30 p.m., Friday, Dec. 9.
The food drive is a major component of the Village’s winter celebration and all donations will benefit the Ballard Food Bank.
The food bank supports families in Ballard, Queen Anne and Magnolia, and each year Village merchants collect food and funds for the organization. Visitors are encouraged to bring canned goods and other non-perishables to the stores. Each participating store will have a “DONATE HERE” sign out front. To see a list of what the Ballard Food Bank needs, please click here.
In addition to the food drive, some stores will feature live music and holiday treats. The merchants are also hosting a children’s art exhibit and a fundraiser for the Moyer Foundation.
ka6gw6明天你还会更新的吧 明天我在来
m0si0o明天你还会更新的吧 明天我在来
Way to go Magnolia merchants!
明天的这个时候辛卯年(兔)冬月十二 2011-12-6我还来顶你gw2csq
明天的这个时候辛卯年(兔)冬月十二 2011-12-6我还来顶你9vl9rh
明天的这个时候辛卯年(兔)冬月十二 2011-12-6我还来顶你5rhxn5
明天的这个时候辛卯年(兔)冬月十二 2011-12-6我还来顶你4wm4si
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哈哈,正在找呢辛卯年(兔)冬月十二 2011-12-6谢谢啊zp7vl8
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哈哈,正在找呢辛卯年(兔)冬月十三 2011-12-7谢谢啊9jzp9v
今天辛卯年(兔)冬月十三 2011-12-7过来就为了看这篇,3vl4si评论还要审核
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哈哈,正在找呢辛卯年(兔)冬月十三 2011-12-7谢谢啊5dt5zp
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哈哈,正在找呢辛卯年(兔)冬月十三 2011-12-7谢谢啊ka5hx3
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哈哈,正在找呢辛卯年(兔)冬月十三 2011-12-7谢谢啊p3vlb3
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明天的这个时候辛卯年(兔)冬月十三 2011-12-7我还来顶你tj9pf9
明天的这个时候辛卯年(兔)冬月十三 2011-12-7我还来顶你hx9lb9
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哈哈,正在找呢辛卯年(兔)冬月十四 2011-12-8谢谢啊fv7br7
哈哈,正在找呢辛卯年(兔)冬月十四 2011-12-8谢谢啊2qg2nd
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5ndt3z谢谢你 你真是个好人 明天我在来
为什么4wm4si评论还要审核啊 辛卯年(兔)冬月十四 2011-12-8
明天的这个时候辛卯年(兔)冬月十四 2011-12-8我还来顶你9zp9vl
明天的这个时候辛卯年(兔)冬月十四 2011-12-8我还来顶你7xn7tj
e2ka2g身临其境的感觉 好文章啊
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