by Sara 

Carolers, merchants ready for Holiday Open House


Carolers at last year's Holiday Open House.

As night spreads earlier and days begin their icy march into winter, merchants around the Village are primping and preparing for the 35th Annual Holiday Open House, Friday, Nov. 18.
The latest addition to the festivities, says Vixen owner Courean Napolitano, who is helping organize the event, is the arrival of the Ballard High School Jazz Band. The group will perform in front of Starbucks from 6:15 to 8:30 p.m. Not only that, but the band has welcomed neighbors to come down to the Village with their instruments and jam with them.
West McGraw Street between 32nd Avenue West and 33rd Avenue West will be blocked off during the event. The tree lighting will commence at 6 p.m. at the Magnolia Garden Center. During the tree lighting, the Magnolia Choral will perform and then head out to sing all throughout the Village.

Chestnuts roasting on an open fire. Well, sort of.

There will be more bands, too. Out of Ballard comes the Seachordsmen (made up of two separate groups) who will sing their barbershop stylings in front of Le Roux apparal shop at 6:15 then continue in a counter-clockwise pattern in the Village.

Student carolers, made up of Girl Scouts, may participate as well.

As always shops in the Village will play host and welcome visitors for holiday cheer and treats.

A new addition to the event is FREE childcare. The United Church of Christ is offering the care from 6 to 9 p.m. Those interested should register immediately at 206-283-1788 and visit?

More events may be added. The Voice will keep you posted.

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