Preschoolers from Magnolia paid a visit to the Magnolia Community Center today where they were greeted by candy-weilding staffers. Their trick-or-treating endeavors will surely continue from 4 to 6 p.m. today at stores throughout the Village.
by Sara
Magnolia preschoolers get an early start
??????????(?)???? 2011-11-1?????wm8si8
明天的这个时候辛卯年(兔)十月初六 2011-11-1我还来顶你wm8si8
??????????(?)???? 2011-11-1?????siy4eu
明天的这个时候辛卯年(兔)十月初六 2011-11-1我还来顶你siy4eu
nd44a2????? ?????
nd44a2可惜不是你 不让我留言
0si0oe????? ?????
0si0oe可惜不是你 不让我留言