by Sara 

Meeting on sewage overflow plan Thursday


People interested in learning about King County?s South Magnolia Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) project are invited to a community meeting to meet technical staff and get their questions answered.

The proposed underground storage tank could help keep Puget Sound clean. Renderings courtesy of King County Wastewater Treatment Department.

The meeting is from 6:30-8:30 p.m., Thursday, Oct. 20 at the Catharine Blaine K-8 cafeteria at 250 4th Ave. W.


What exactly is the CSO project? It?s a plan aimed at keeping the Puget Sound clean. During heavy rains, old pipes that carry both sewage and stormwater reach capacity and overflow into waters such as the Puget Sound, putting public health at risk. You can see one of the concrete pipes at the end of the rocky beach at Magnolia Park just west of the Elliott Bay Marina.

To control CSOs and improve water quality in Puget Sound near Seattle?s Smith Cove Park, King County plans to build a 1.9-million gallon storage facility that will hold wastewater and stormwater until it can be conveyed to West Point Treatment Plant. When storms subside and system capacity is restored, stored flows will be returned to the system and conveyed to West Point Treatment Plant.

Project staff at the meeting will share information about King County?s preferred location for an underground storage tank in the Smith Cove/Terminal 91 West Yard area and explain how people can remain informed and involved as the project moves into the design phase this year.

Additional information about the project is available by clicking here or by contacting Monica van der Vieren at 206-263-6157


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