by Sara 

Magnolia Post Office not on closure list


The United States Postal Service released the list of possible office closures today, with 3,653 offices under consideration.  We checked the list and the Magnolia Post Office is not being considered for closure.

Through the years there has been speculation that the Magnolia branch could be vulnerable as the financially troubled agency looks to trim costs.  You can see the full list of offices that are being studied for closure here.  

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  1. The only time I go to the PO anymore is to mail packages, and that is about twice a year. And I’m sure there are other ways to mail packages. When I lived in Houston “Mailboxes Etc” worked quite well for that……

  2. There is, apparently, a lot of concern still that the USPS has not renewed their current lease in the Village. ?Rumor is that there are talks about moving the location down to a more central, Interbay, location. ?As someone who relies on a PO Box for business and other reasons, I’d love to see the PO stay in Magnolia.

  3. It would be a loss, the customer service there is spectacular!
    No really, I do find it convenient, regardless…

  4. well, i’m glad about this. ?mostly because the magnolia PO is close, and the lines are generally fairly short. ?this will keep me out of the soviet-era lines found at the ballard station. ?plus, i have a weird nostalgia associated with the scent of this arse-old government building. ?

    but, as lissie insinuated, the customer service here could use a polish. ?these guys need to be taken out for a night of whirly-ball, or something. ?every time i go in there (which is about once a week), they are complaining loudly, bitterly about their superiors, about being understaffed, about having to be pulled out of the back area. ?

    that’s ok, i suppose. ?their superiors ARE likely dicks, and the place is hot, and they have to wear all that polyester, and they really are understaffed. ?

    now if i could only do something about the geriatrics double parking directly in front, then we’d be on to something. ?

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