by Sara 

Blaine summer “grounds cleanup” July 15


A few times a year, Catharine Blaine PTA organizes a grounds cleanup in the front of the school and the courtyard just inside the entrance. The area is overgrown and weed infested and unfortunately Seattle Public Schools does not do any grounds work for those parts of the school.

Please mark your calendars now – Summer “Grounds Cleanup” for Sunday, July 15 between 9:00 AM and 3:00 PM.

They’re asking for your help (kids are welcome), for an hour, 2, 3, or whatever you can donate of your time to help clean up Blaine’s front school-yard and grounds. This consists of weeding, edging, mulching, and general sprucing up.

What do you need to bring? Just yourself, your child if you can drag them along, and maybe even a friend. SPS will actually provide us many of the supplies, but always a good idea to bring an extra set of gloves with you. Additionally, if you have a favorite gardening tool (pruner, sheers, rake, shovel, etc.) please bring it along as well.

They’ll have water, snacks, sandwiches for lunch, and maybe even ice cream from a certain “Squirrel.” Lastly, remember to bring sunscreen and to dress accordingly as you’ll be outside doing landscaping.

Blaine PTA has also coordinated this event with the help of Dwelling Place Church who has offered their generous assistance as well.

If you are planning on making part of the grounds cleanup please email



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