by Sara 

Blood drive today- will you donate?


The Magnolia Community Blood Drive is today.?Their goal for today?s blood drive is 36 people.?Our community?s need for blood products, to save lives and improve the quality of life for patients, never goes away.?From? Bloodworks Northwest:

  • Every 2 minutes someone is Western Washington needs blood.
  • And Bloodworks Northwest must register around 900 donors per weekday.

Just this past weekend, a 6 year old boy received a? heart transplant and required 18 units of blood and 22 units of plasma to successfully pull through his surgery. Because of blood donors like you and a heart donor, this little boy and his family have been given the gift of life and more memories to come.

Monday, April 20th at Our Lady of Fatima Church Hall from 1 ? 7 p.m.

*Walk-in service only* Sponsored by the Magnolia Knights of Columbus

For more information contact Doug Gehrke at (206)282-4400

Shameless selfie of your editor giving blood for the first time. See you there!

For more information about the importance and impact of donating blood, check out the following links and share with your colleagues:


About the author 


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