by Sara 

Rain-delayed paving to resume tomorrow


SDOT will pave part of West Commodore Way tomorrow. Those traveling that way tomorrow should expect delays.

The Seattle Department of Transportation, delayed by rain earlier in the week, will resume its schedule tomorrow to make pavement repairs to West Commodore Way between 21st Avenue West and 23rd Avenue West ? again, weather permitting.

Tomorrow’s ?weather forecast calls for a 60-percent chance of rain. However, if rain stays away for the day, then SDOT crews will be out from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. The street will remain open to local access only at this time. The road will be reduced to one lane, shared by both directions of traffic and assisted by a traffic flagger.

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  2. 就刚刚辛卯年(兔)九月十七 2011-10-13………为什么3tj3pf评论还要审核

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